Teaching the Art of Chalk – Meet Terena Wong, My First Intern!
Hailing from Hong Kong, intern Terena Wong has always been passionate about creating art. A student of the Hong Kong School of Art, she was searching for a way to enhance her art production skills and discovered 3D street painting through Instagram and Facebook.
Eager to gain develop her talent and learn from an experienced working artist, she reached out to me early this spring seeking an internship – and her timing was perfect! I’d just begun searching for an intern, and Terena was clearly a gifted artist. I offered her a place to stay and learn, and she got the paperwork together to come join me in California for the month of June.
A Busy Schedule – Perfect For Experience!
It turned out to be the perfect month for her internship – Terena joined me for just about every type of project I take on as a 3D artist! From our livestream with Katy Perry earlier this month (check out the details on that here – so much fun!) to creating a permanent installation in-studio to a mural for this year’s Italian Street Painting Marin festival, we’ve covered just about every type of 3D art I create.
The Benefits
In Terena’s words: “I’ve really learned a lot! I understand more already about working as an artist – and I see that being a working artist is a viable long-term goal. There is a market for artists, and I can create a place for myself in that market – it’s a matter of creating my own identity.”
I have no doubt that Terena will succeed in her goals – she’s talented and determined!
If you’d like to consider a short internship with me to learn all about 3d street painting, please drop me a message!