3D Street Painting Internship A Rewarding Experience

[ultimate_spacer] [ultimate_spacer height=”10″] [ultimate_spacer] [ultimate_spacer] [ultimate_spacer] Teaching the Art of Chalk – Meet Terena Wong, My First Intern! Hailing from Hong Kong, intern Terena Wong has always been passionate about creating art. A student of the Hong Kong School of Art, she was searching for a way to enhance her art production skills and discovered…

3D Street Art Murals

3D Street Art Murals Launch the New Broadway Macau Hotel

[ultimate_spacer height=”10″] [ultimate_spacer height=”10″] [ultimate_spacer height=”10″] [ultimate_spacer height=”10″] [ultimate_spacer height=”10″] [ultimate_spacer height=”10″] [ultimate_spacer height=”10″] [ultimate_spacer] 3D Street Art Murals in Macau Our awesome international Team 3D jetted over to sunny Macau, China to whip up some fun 3D street art murals for the opening of the newest jewel in the Galaxy Macau hotel group, the…

Hong Kong Chills Up with 3D Mural

Home for the holidays but that did not stop us from whipping up a Winter Wonderland in Hong Kong at the headquarters of the Bank of East Asia. Certainly a fitting landscape for all that cold hard cash.  We transported the bank with an interactive 3D mural that has people thinking they’re standing in a…

3D Street Painting in Taiwan

I recently returned from 3D street painting in Taiwan, where Team 3D and I created a terrific piece in Taipei for trendy home furnishing giant, HOLA! Invited to design a piece to promote the launch of HOLA’s spring collection, I designed an image that embodied the color and whimsy of their product line. The art…