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TEDX Foggy Bottom – ‘Illuminate’

February 2014 – guest speaker

Ashland Inspires Art

November 9-10 2012 – guest speaker

TEDX San Diego – ‘The World in Our Grasp’

December 2011 – guest speaker



MahaNayak Award – City of Kolkata

Best Artist – Durga Puja Festival Committee

3d Street Painting of Uttam Kumar – Tilottama Pandal, Kolkata, India 2014

cannes-gold-lionCannes Gold Lion

Film Crafting: Art Direction / Production Design

Honda Illusions: The Impossible Made Possible; mcgarrybowen, UK 2014

guiness-world-record_logoGuinness World Records

‘World’s Largest Chalk Painting by an Individual’

for Sony Entertainment’s DVD release of ‘The Da Vinci Code’ – New York, NY 2006

‘Extreme Art Award’ – Painting category

2011 First Annual Unique Arts Awards

Presented by the Society of Unique Artists – New York, NY, 2011


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Hershey’s Kit Kat commercial

FX Channel, October 2014 – featured artist

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Home & Family TV

Home & Family TV

Hallmark Channel, May 2013 – featured guest

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Home & Family TV

Hallmark Channel, May 2015 – featured guest


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Ephemera: The Art of Impermanence

2 Can Pictures, 2011 – featured artist

Ephemera : The Art of Impermanence from Buzzsaw Magazine on Vimeo.

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Acid Bath Shellac

Jacob K. Cunningham & Beth Edwards, 2007 – featured artist


‘The Art of Chalk – Techniques and Inspiration for Creating Art with Chalk’

Have you ever wanted to learn how to create your own 3d Street Painting? Now you can with the help of my new book! This book provides methods and processes of over 50 practicing and respected international artists, creating 3d street painting, chalkboard art and pastel fine art. Lots of visuals, diagrams and tips from the best! For beginners and professionals alike. Now available in English, German and French languages. 

Kunst mit KreideL'Art de la Craie





‘The Art of Deception – Illusions to Challenge the Mind and Eye’

The Art of Deceptionby Brad Honeycutt, 2014, Imagine Publishing. This collection includes famous paintings, stunning photographs, and computer enhanced visual eye treats that will make your mind’s eye blink twice . . . and then smile. Every image was handpicked to feature a specific segment of the illusory spectrum that has one sole purpose–to illustrate the best artistic presentation possible. With commentary by the artists about their vision and techniques, this is an extraordinary book on the art and science of the illusion.

‘Introduction to 3d Street Painting’

by Tracy Lee Stum   If you are interested in learning the basics on how to create your own amazing 3d chalk art pieces, I’ve got a book for you! This Kindle book offers a walk through on how to start your own journey into the world of 3d street art. Geared towards pavement works and beginners, it offers info on image selection, site conditions, layout, rendering, and all the tools and methods you’ll need to get started on your first drawings. Stay tuned for more offerings regarding educational material coming soon!

‘Exceptional Eye Tricks’ by Imagine! Publishing

by Brad Honeycutt Another fantastic book featuring illusions of many variations – ambiguous illusions, impossible illusions, topsy turvy illusions, perspective illusions and more. I am pleased to be featured in this fun and informative publication showcasing some of the worlds most intriguing illusionist artworks!

‘3D Street Art’ by Tectum Publishing

by Birgit Krols I am thrilled and delighted to be featured in this stunning new book, featuring some of the worlds best 3d muralists, graffiti artists and of course, street painters: additionally including Kurt Wenner, Edgar Muller, Gary Palmer, Eduardo Rellero & Tomo.

Be Happy at Work‘Be Happy at Work – 100 Women Who Love Their Jobs and Why’

by Joanne Gordon, Ballantine Books, 2005 – interviewee Check out Joanne’s newest collaboration with Howard Schultz, ‘Onward: How Starbuck’s Fought For It’s Life Without Losing It’s Soul’, published by Rodale Books. http://www.joannegordononline.com/books/


Workbook 34  Workbook Illustrators –  Volume 34; 2012




workbook 2  Workbook Illustrators – Volume 33; 2011