Hi! This is great news. My top 3 challenges to becoming a street painter are: 1/Where to find the best places to draw which are legal….. 2/How can you test the drawing is working in 3D before you finish it……. 3/What chalk do you use and why?
Hi, Thats Amazing , I would surely like to know how to Anamorph the drawing for 3d effect, I have fine arts background , never did 3D street art,
How to make the drawing look more interactive & acheive 3d effect ,pop out or sink in feeling from one point.
Hi, Thats Amazing , I would surely like to know how to Anamorph the drawing for 3d effect, I have fine arts background , never did 3D street art, how to achieve the pop out or sink in drawing by graph technique.
In the past 6 years I have taught thousands of Kids grades, 1-12, painting, drawing, cartooning, and mosaic art. Art teaches abstract thinking & creativity, enhancing intelligence. What I learn from you will benifit my students. I’m now at Wellington, Florida, boys&girls club, 5 half days each week. I look forward to hearing from you, sincerely, Richard Wilson
In the past 6 years I have taught thousands of children,(grades 1-12), painting, drawing, cartooning, &. Mosaic art. I believe Art teaches children abstract thinking & creativity, enhancing their intelligence. What I learn from you will my students. I am currently teaching at the boys&girls club in Wellington, Florida. I look forward to. Your response, sincerely, Richard Wilson
I answered earlier this afternoon without focusing on reaching my own artistic goals. We meet at a an event in 2008 or ’09, in lake worth, Florida. You gave me your website and I have been enchanted since then. What can I do to prepare for the work shop? I am so excited about this opportunity. If I can achieve what your workshop intends, it will certainly change my life.
This sounds amazing – I’m not sure where to start. I have a fine arts background and looking to start doing more 3D Street Painting. Looking forward to meeting you Tracy and learning from you in person! – My top challenge is “Interactive 3D perspective”. – How do you do from paper to large scale chalk?!
I met you many years ago in Panama City Beach, Florida. Would enjoy working with you again. Would love more help with the geometry involved in making objects appear 3D from a vantage point.
Dear Tracy, This is a great opportunity and idea. I hope the workshop will be close to where I live. The top challanges and things I will be looking forward to learn will be 1-to learn rules to draw driveway And also to learn to draw on a Wall(I guess to give the effect of 3D on a driveway and on a wall might be different as one of them has lets say z-y axis and the other x/y) …..2-to be able to learn rules such a practical way that one can draw small size or big size , or cube or uncertain shapes with no problem; so being able to make it second nature. 3- to learn different chalks,water soluble paints and such 4-to understand the whole idea so that when one make x kind of mistake; he/she can correct saying x problem happened that means I have to correct this… I hope workshops will be weekend as weekdays has job.
absolutely great news! well, i’d like to learn techniques for the 3D painting, how to make its right perspectives.. and also to learn which colors should be in use for different substances and how can i keep them stay longer…
1. I’m not very good free hand, I did really good in art classes but it took some back and forth with the teacher. 2. Because of medical conditions, my biggest problem would be getting down on the street/sidewalk for extended periods of time 3. Once we learn how to do this will we be able to transfer this to any surface like paper and such.
Hi Tracy, thanks for the email but unfortunately I am not in the States so cannot attend any workshops. Really bummed about that but I do have something that you might be able to incorporate into the workshops and it would be an honour if you did. You inspired me to get into the whole anamorphic 3D illusion thing in a big way. It should launch on iOS (App Store) by end Feb 2015 or before with the Android version (Google Play) available end March 2015. It is an app that creates anamorphic distortions for you very easily. Obviously you do not need this app but novice 3D artists who struggle with the forced perspective will find it invaluable. Even professional CG artists and photographers can use it to create 3D art and print the result as opposed to chalking. I would love to collaborate and bring the art to more people who want to create anamorphic 3D illusions but don’t know how. http://www.imorph3d.com will be going live by the end of the week and @imorph3d on Instagram. Kind regards, James.
My problems on 3D streetpainting are:
– How to avoid getting stiff by making a raster on the ground
– I shape forms with Coral Draw: it is not just right on Perspective
– How to show the streetpainting to the public without the expensive lens you can buy
– How to collect monney for your work
Will the course be online? I live in the Netherlands
Hello Tracy Lee am happy to here from you like what you do and I will like to learn you pain I know me be it will be hurt for me for learn but I really I will like to learn and I will like my baby girl learn that to she is special and some times I do pain will I do art here and she help me sorry my name is maria deltoro my baby girl is Kathy deltoro she is 7yrs she is special girl and I cant work out for tack care of her but I really like what you do I don’t know if you let me to meet you and learn you 3D pain but I I hope get good news am single mom and I wan to do this I will like to know the time where will be you do in this am live in New York I hope to get news and detail for be part off you team o yes I do Art here whit pain glass beads oil pain acrylic pain chalk to and how much the class will be cost and where will be I need to learn some thing and make money for save my house for my kids will hope to here from you thank you
hugs kiss from Maria Del Toro 9145027660 New York
Yes thank you for this Amazing Opportunity!!!! with you again Tracy. I guess my reasons not doing 3d art..I would need to be paid too much time involved..So #1 marketing myself important to know #2 concern How to convert a masterpiece painting from 2d – 3d? Is every conversion always figured the same. ANAMORPHIC / TROMPELO’S .And I’m confused which method to use..By computer or by hand should and could I learn both techiques..3) Can I bring to workshop my own image and learn to convert it …START TO FINISH ARE ALL 3D DONE SAME METHODS.. P.S. Hope I can afford and timing to take your class is perfect..Let me know asap. It will be good to see you again Hugs ๐ friend CathyGallatin
Tracy Thank you for contacting me about your workshop. I am interested in learning everything about street painting so that I can build my art skills. The knowledge about materials, techniques, business and how to enhance the whole world with this style of art. Also how one joins your team on projects. How does one find events that display the art. Its very exciting on how you have grown to incorporate more visual effects to the art. Thank you looking forward to the work shop.
working on 3D paintings I have found it difficult to make it look like it is reaching out to me…how do you accomplish this in as few moves as possible…
i’m very interested . . . . . would even be willing to take three days to travel (not sure where you actually are . . . . not important really. )
I’ve been looking at examples of this type of art for years . . . . generally I work in pastels and inks, but I would like to get out in the city (Milwaukee wisconsin) in the summer. I”ve done a little with street chalk, just to get the feel.
I’ve theorized about the use of stencils . . . . . large ones . . . . to facilitate accomplishing these pieces in a short period of time. I understand (I think) the theory, although I haven’t actually had the opportunity to try it out . . . in any form.
This sounds like fun . . . . keep in touch please.
My biggest questions/concerns about street painting are:
1) How to get started without breaking the bank!
2) Where to practice.
3) How to incorporate 3-D elements into the work.
4) How to go from concept to completion
Is this also going to be offered as a video tutorial at some point? My funds are limited and attending in person may be cost prohibitive for me.
(1) Iโve never did street painting before,but I am really interested in learning. How do I get started?
(2) How do I design my 3D layouts off the street.
(3) How do you do from paper to large 3D scale chalk?!
(1) Iโve never did street painting before,but I am really interested in learning. How do I get started?
(2) How do I design my 3D layouts off the street.
(3) How do you do from paper to large 3D scale chalk?!
Awesome Tracy. I’m a total beginner as u know and really interested in the aspect of anamorphic perspective and picking the right design. And the whole chalk thing too!!! Lol
Oh Tracy,
How I wish you’d put on a workshop in the Midwest! I am a great admirer of your work, and while I have done many street paintings, I can’t seem to find the courage to attempt real 3-d.
My concerns: 1) my math skills to convert a 2-d painting to 3-d . I can’t quite figure it out without a computer program which I don’t have. 2) The
3-d paintings I’ve seen personally don’t seem to translate to the average viewer unless seen through a lens. 3) how to make a 3-d figure, in particular?
Thanks for your great work!
How to create a chalk paint?
How to make your art last longer? How to work on a variety of surfaces? We are based in NZ – a online course would be amazing…
Keep up the beautiful work!! X
Great news always open to learning from other artist . In a small town in New Mexico .no other chalk artist in the area . My biggest challenge is working alone on large works , so any info and planning suggestions will help .
Hi Tracy, Its a great news. I would like to share a few problems I came across with.
1. Chalk/Tempera paint availability is a major problem in many countries. We would like to know quick replacements for it. If possible some tips of production too
2. Type of Binders and Binder mixing ratio for temporary and permanentpaintings.
3. Availability of 3D lens and its restrictions and types
cheers ๐
Waiting for ur sessions ๐
Dear Tracy, Its a great news. I would like to share a few problems I came across with.
1. Chalk/Tempera paint availability is a major problem in many countries. We would like to know quick replacements for it. If possible some tips of production too
2. Type of Binders and Binder mixing ratio for temporary and permanentpaintings.
3. Availability of 3D lens and its restrictions and types
cheers ๐
Waiting for ur sessions ๐
Hi Tracy;
Thank you for your email . It is really good news about the coming workshops.
Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend for two reasons. First of all I’m a mature woman and secondly and maybe the most important, I’m in Australia. However I sincerely wish you all the best in your work and life.
Hi Tracy,
I would be go grateful for an opportunity to truly learn how to do a 3D chalk drawing. I’ve come close, thanks to your 3D book I bought online, but
I still can’t quite get it. I would like to know How to grid the drawing out. How to color it correctly and how to size it.
Where will your class be ? I’m super super interested in attending if I can.
Great opportunity Tracy! Wow! Will you actually be instructing live?! (sign me up!) At what location will the special 3 day event be offered?
Challenges to learn:
1) Highlighting! – and techniques for blending chalk colors – (how to make own chalks?)
2) Planning and transfer: 3-Dimensional mapping/perspective
3) Pre-prep: best method to plan grid design (print to paper), how to transfer lay out to asphalt (snap line grid? or chalking the outline while standing?)
Uh oh! that’s more then 2 or 3 challenges!?
Aloha Miss Stum,
I am just breaking into the mural scene here on Maui (been an artist/muralist since 1989)…only a handful of artists here can do murals on buildings, but street art? I don’t know anyone!….problem for me is covering it until the next day!…how do you prep for overnight? And is there any kind of special seat for long hours of bending?
Looking forward to your workshop (online?) and hope you can make it over this way to Maui No Ka Oi!! We’d love to have your talent here!!
Mahalo for including me in the loop too (:
p.s. Check out my blog (narvaezaloha.blogspot.com ‘The Other Side…’) to see all my latest artworks! And I’d love to post more info about your workshop when more details become available. I can also kokua you with bringing workshop here to Maui, please let me know if theres anything I can do…there really needs to be more workshops here on isle for artists, that involve other mediums and styles of art. Most art centers here simply can’t provide spaces large enough for bigger art projects or only focus on a limited amount of traditional styles; portraits, landscapes, sculpting, etc…but what about the alternative artists?? The ones who require larger spaces for foam/cardboard/resin–building size sculptures, murals, etc..we need more designated outdoor spaces.. I guess my next question is; what type of form or presentation is best for presenting your idea to government and county officials in order to gain approval? and what are the necessary steps needed in beginning the process? Ok…that’s well over 3…sorry hehe…
Thank you, for wanting to teach your talent. I watched and watched your pond video. I made many changes and. Colors to my pond. Why you might Ask. I didn’t measure, so I couldn’t find my 3d. I am still very proud of what I learned from you. I show And tell All the time. .. Count me in. Thanks again.
Thanks! ! My main concern would be howu keep people from falling into those huge holes u create!!!! Only kidding!! My main concern would be cost of workshop. Second concern would be skill level involved. Third concern would be fear of failure.
This sound like a great ideal, i’m very excited. one of the things i see a lot at shows is the using of a graph to make the scale of the pic larger. A graph is great for what it does, but i myself would like to not have to use a graph, another topic is the lighting and shading and third, more realistic pics like photo realism in street painting. I’m from
fl and they have show in Sarasota. Some of the locals complain about the producers of the show flying talent in and putting them up at a hotels for the stay of the show. This would be a great work shop to help the locals improve on their art skills.
I just love the artwork and think it would be fun to learn I am not much of an artist but would love to learn
I really want to know the secret of 3d and the chalk you use . Thanks
i would love to know more about this work shop where it will be and how much i have not don any street painting but i like what kurt wenner and a lot of others i am 74 yer old but get around pretty good just wondering about working on my knees although i dont think it would be a problem so let me know and ill go from there thank you JIM SLOUGH
I would love to be part of this adventure of learning I have no “formal” art education only through my thoughts to my hands So I hope this will be in an area that I am able to attend I am excited just at the thought of this Thanks for including me in the email
Thank you Susan VanHoose
I’m super excited about a workshop! I’m assuming part of it at least would be hands-on? Some areas of focus I’d like to see include:
1. Rules/tips for 3d curved figures/people as opposed to buildings or straight edged objects.
2. How to work effectively with a team to complete a large work in a timely manner without breaking your back, literally!
3. How to get such rich, lasting colors while people interact with the art.
ยกHola Tracy, quรฉ gusto saber de ti y del taller!
As I told you when I had the chance to meet you in San Rafael in 2013, I would love to be in a workshop with you. My biggest issues with this 3D stuff are how to size and re-size the image in a specific space/area in order to make it visually affordable for the public. I’ve seen works that deal with the length-width and can’t reach the appropriate effect since the point of view is restricted. Also, I would like to work with images that embrace floor and walls to create depths and perspectives, and how to deal with the transit of the public when several points of view are required.
Along this, how to project the drawings in the most “easy” ways, since having to approach to trace them may involve some distortions.
I was amazed with some tapestry you did (I don’t remember where), when you wrapped and expanded a room with the use of several verticals and geometrical elements, simple in essence but which created quite an atmosphere. That would be interesting too.
Well, I’m in Mexico but surely I’d do my best to earn the means to make it to your workshop. So, I’m since now attent to more news on this.
Blessings for this sharing from you to all of us. Best regards.
I participated in my first chalk fest in Key West this past November. Would your workshop be good for someone who has a lot to learn.
. Perspective
. Scaling from small sketch to BIG layout
. Preserving chalk
. Tip for aching muscles and bones
Where will the workshop take place?
Will there be an opportunity to get a scholarship to pay for my participation in your program? Although I don’t do art for the money, as a working artist in other mediums with limited time, lately things take a priority based on which projects pay and which ones don’t. So, coming into this new form of art, my first question is on the business side – getting paid to do chalk art on sidewalks at either festivals or what not? How do you make your living doing it? Grants? Sponsors? Event organizers to contact and is there a way to approach them for best results? Then my questions are … how to translate my current knowledge in other mediums to chalk on sidewalks … how to choose great concepts or compositions for that wow factor and then how to achieve great perspective to really pull it off. And of course if there are certain products or brands that are better than others to make the transition easier. Thank you.
Hi !
That’s great news. I am in Uk so it may be tricky. The issues are much as others have put gorward… The geometry of 3d; scaling up; working on the ground and on a vertical wall and the perspective issues; cost of materials to practise with and a legal space to try it out; no computer programme to aid designing in 3d….
Would like to learn the 3d process. I paint and draw but no exoierence in 3d.
How to create the effect on paper and larger surfaces
Supplies for street or side walk
I would love to take my art to a bigger level. I know shading, depth, etc… with charcoal, pencil and paint but want to increase that knowledge and skill.
Look forward to learning more about the work shop…
I was sooo excited to see this!! I hope its sometime later in March or early April….some physical challenges going on the next month….Things I want to work on the most: Designing pieces……..How to transfer realistically from a photo to pavement……and of course……….THREEEEEEE DEEEEEEEEEE ๐
Hello Tracy,
Thank you for reaching out. This project sounds interesting.
What I would like to get out of it, would be blending techniques, 3d application, meet new people.
Not being an artist, but so familiar with your amazing work, I’m thrilled for artists around the globe who have the opportunity to learn from you! What a gift you’ll be sharing! Thank you for making the world a lot more colorful!
hi tracy ๐ !!
first of all thank you for reaching out me …realy may bigerst broblem in this periode is the places to draw which are legal …this is make for me a lot of broblems ; also, i need the rules to draw in 3d wich is correct i use some rules but not all rules … and there is another broblem it’s where i can find the chalk …
thank you tracy :D.
Hello! I’m pretty new at 3D street painting, but I love it and I’m a big fan. It’s always hard for me to think of good subjects for my art, particularly when I’m doing advertisements. I also have a little trouble with getting affordable materials. I don’t use enough to buy big orders in bulk, but pastels are getting expensive. Lastly, I want to know how to find opportunities for 3D street painting. I’d love to paint for companies, but I don’t know how to start.. especially since my area isn’t as big on chalk art as other parts of the country. Thank you!
Excelente tus trabajos en 3D y magnifico todo engeneral
1.- Como realizar un boceto en 3D
2.- Como hacer el boceto en el piso y en la pared
3.- Como conseguir trabajo ๐
Hello Tracy. We’ve known for a long time, until the time of Grazie of Mantua- Italy. I respect you a lot and I’m honored to be your friend. We’ll see you soon in San Rafael. I followed your book on pdf and techniques of 3D. But I still find it difficult to run it. I tried with some programs distorting, but I still can’t bring a 2D to 3D. Logically, I can’t from Italy to attend your own course, but if you do it online, I’ll follow him. A hug and see you soon.
Hi Tracey,
Great news but I guess my question is will it be online?
Most art courses of this nature involved travel and weekends, out for me.
But my no1. Would be improving my 3d perspective, no.2 design concepts in limited spaces, no.3 weather forcasting.. oh and how to keep people from thinking your nuts lol.
Cheaper as good chalk supplies or how to make your own. im a lover of the good stuff ( not so good for the hip pocket)
Anna in australia ๐
My Concerns: Haven’t done chalk street art, have an interest in how to do this. Concerned that my skills may be too basic, and others will be too advanced. Location, location, location….
I had sentyou an email cause I wondered how tofind out where you would be doing your street art. so I can tell jeff marks about it and I could come see more of your work. I am not artistic. so it you getto the eas t coast again I’d love to know
Hello Madam! Your 3D street paintings are awesome. I am very much interested in painting. I am a very big fan of yours. I met you once in my drawing competition orzanised by Bharatiya Sangeet Academy. I will be very much pleased to get a chance to participate in this event. Thanks a lot.
Hi Tracy ๐ …well I am really interested to go trough “Andrea Pozzo ” workshop ..3d anamorphic on ceiling would be great!!! ( pencil, paper, brain, colors, no computer)
Regards from Croatia.
that’s wonderful-
“your vocation should be your vacation”. (Confucius) but the problem is that I have a vaguely picture of street painting. I have no idea if it works. where to present? & if it’s possible to have it as the only job or not?
we’ll be thanked to be known more about
Hi! This is great news. My top 3 challenges to becoming a street painter are: 1/Where to find the best places to draw which are legal….. 2/How can you test the drawing is working in 3D before you finish it……. 3/What chalk do you use and why?
Hi, Thats Amazing , I would surely like to know how to Anamorph the drawing for 3d effect, I have fine arts background , never did 3D street art,
How to make the drawing look more interactive & acheive 3d effect ,pop out or sink in feeling from one point.
Hi, Thats Amazing , I would surely like to know how to Anamorph the drawing for 3d effect, I have fine arts background , never did 3D street art, how to achieve the pop out or sink in drawing by graph technique.
I live in India..have you been to India sometime..how will I attend your workshop
In the past 6 years I have taught thousands of Kids grades, 1-12, painting, drawing, cartooning, and mosaic art. Art teaches abstract thinking & creativity, enhancing intelligence. What I learn from you will benifit my students. I’m now at Wellington, Florida, boys&girls club, 5 half days each week. I look forward to hearing from you, sincerely, Richard Wilson
In the past 6 years I have taught thousands of children,(grades 1-12), painting, drawing, cartooning, &. Mosaic art. I believe Art teaches children abstract thinking & creativity, enhancing their intelligence. What I learn from you will my students. I am currently teaching at the boys&girls club in Wellington, Florida. I look forward to. Your response, sincerely, Richard Wilson
I answered earlier this afternoon without focusing on reaching my own artistic goals. We meet at a an event in 2008 or ’09, in lake worth, Florida. You gave me your website and I have been enchanted since then. What can I do to prepare for the work shop? I am so excited about this opportunity. If I can achieve what your workshop intends, it will certainly change my life.
This sounds amazing – I’m not sure where to start. I have a fine arts background and looking to start doing more 3D Street Painting. Looking forward to meeting you Tracy and learning from you in person! – My top challenge is “Interactive 3D perspective”. – How do you do from paper to large scale chalk?!
I’ve never did 3d street art before but I am very interested in learning. How do I get started?
I met you many years ago in Panama City Beach, Florida. Would enjoy working with you again. Would love more help with the geometry involved in making objects appear 3D from a vantage point.
I hope you come to the East Coast, Philly area.
I’ve never did street painting before,but I am interested in learning. How do I get started?
Dear Tracy, This is a great opportunity and idea. I hope the workshop will be close to where I live. The top challanges and things I will be looking forward to learn will be 1-to learn rules to draw driveway And also to learn to draw on a Wall(I guess to give the effect of 3D on a driveway and on a wall might be different as one of them has lets say z-y axis and the other x/y) …..2-to be able to learn rules such a practical way that one can draw small size or big size , or cube or uncertain shapes with no problem; so being able to make it second nature. 3- to learn different chalks,water soluble paints and such 4-to understand the whole idea so that when one make x kind of mistake; he/she can correct saying x problem happened that means I have to correct this… I hope workshops will be weekend as weekdays has job.
Where do I get affordable chalk, especially darks? How can I make my own chalk? How do I design my 3d layouts off the street.
absolutely great news! well, i’d like to learn techniques for the 3D painting, how to make its right perspectives.. and also to learn which colors should be in use for different substances and how can i keep them stay longer…
1. I’m not very good free hand, I did really good in art classes but it took some back and forth with the teacher. 2. Because of medical conditions, my biggest problem would be getting down on the street/sidewalk for extended periods of time 3. Once we learn how to do this will we be able to transfer this to any surface like paper and such.
Hi Tracy, thanks for the email but unfortunately I am not in the States so cannot attend any workshops. Really bummed about that but I do have something that you might be able to incorporate into the workshops and it would be an honour if you did. You inspired me to get into the whole anamorphic 3D illusion thing in a big way. It should launch on iOS (App Store) by end Feb 2015 or before with the Android version (Google Play) available end March 2015. It is an app that creates anamorphic distortions for you very easily. Obviously you do not need this app but novice 3D artists who struggle with the forced perspective will find it invaluable. Even professional CG artists and photographers can use it to create 3D art and print the result as opposed to chalking. I would love to collaborate and bring the art to more people who want to create anamorphic 3D illusions but don’t know how. http://www.imorph3d.com will be going live by the end of the week and @imorph3d on Instagram. Kind regards, James.
My problems on 3D streetpainting are:
– How to avoid getting stiff by making a raster on the ground
– I shape forms with Coral Draw: it is not just right on Perspective
– How to show the streetpainting to the public without the expensive lens you can buy
– How to collect monney for your work
Will the course be online? I live in the Netherlands
Hello Tracy Lee am happy to here from you like what you do and I will like to learn you pain I know me be it will be hurt for me for learn but I really I will like to learn and I will like my baby girl learn that to she is special and some times I do pain will I do art here and she help me sorry my name is maria deltoro my baby girl is Kathy deltoro she is 7yrs she is special girl and I cant work out for tack care of her but I really like what you do I don’t know if you let me to meet you and learn you 3D pain but I I hope get good news am single mom and I wan to do this I will like to know the time where will be you do in this am live in New York I hope to get news and detail for be part off you team o yes I do Art here whit pain glass beads oil pain acrylic pain chalk to and how much the class will be cost and where will be I need to learn some thing and make money for save my house for my kids will hope to here from you thank you
hugs kiss from Maria Del Toro 9145027660 New York
1) Maintaining perspective
2)Plotting out the order of accomplishing the drawing
3) Drawing as a team of artist
Yes thank you for this Amazing Opportunity!!!! with you again Tracy. I guess my reasons not doing 3d art..I would need to be paid too much time involved..So #1 marketing myself important to know #2 concern How to convert a masterpiece painting from 2d – 3d? Is every conversion always figured the same. ANAMORPHIC / TROMPELO’S .And I’m confused which method to use..By computer or by hand should and could I learn both techiques..3) Can I bring to workshop my own image and learn to convert it …START TO FINISH ARE ALL 3D DONE SAME METHODS.. P.S. Hope I can afford and timing to take your class is perfect..Let me know asap. It will be good to see you again Hugs ๐ friend CathyGallatin
Tracy Thank you for contacting me about your workshop. I am interested in learning everything about street painting so that I can build my art skills. The knowledge about materials, techniques, business and how to enhance the whole world with this style of art. Also how one joins your team on projects. How does one find events that display the art. Its very exciting on how you have grown to incorporate more visual effects to the art. Thank you looking forward to the work shop.
working on 3D paintings I have found it difficult to make it look like it is reaching out to me…how do you accomplish this in as few moves as possible…
i’m very interested . . . . . would even be willing to take three days to travel (not sure where you actually are . . . . not important really. )
I’ve been looking at examples of this type of art for years . . . . generally I work in pastels and inks, but I would like to get out in the city (Milwaukee wisconsin) in the summer. I”ve done a little with street chalk, just to get the feel.
I’ve theorized about the use of stencils . . . . . large ones . . . . to facilitate accomplishing these pieces in a short period of time. I understand (I think) the theory, although I haven’t actually had the opportunity to try it out . . . in any form.
This sounds like fun . . . . keep in touch please.
This sounds great Tracy!
My biggest questions/concerns about street painting are:
1) How to get started without breaking the bank!
2) Where to practice.
3) How to incorporate 3-D elements into the work.
4) How to go from concept to completion
Is this also going to be offered as a video tutorial at some point? My funds are limited and attending in person may be cost prohibitive for me.
Hi Tracy,
Greetings from India..
As iam new to this art form i would like to learn from you.Your 3D street paintings are amazing.
(1) Iโve never did street painting before,but I am really interested in learning. How do I get started?
(2) How do I design my 3D layouts off the street.
(3) How do you do from paper to large 3D scale chalk?!
Your’s faithfully, Padraic watts.
(1) Iโve never did street painting before,but I am really interested in learning. How do I get started?
(2) How do I design my 3D layouts off the street.
(3) How do you do from paper to large 3D scale chalk?!
Awesome Tracy. I’m a total beginner as u know and really interested in the aspect of anamorphic perspective and picking the right design. And the whole chalk thing too!!! Lol
Oh Tracy,
How I wish you’d put on a workshop in the Midwest! I am a great admirer of your work, and while I have done many street paintings, I can’t seem to find the courage to attempt real 3-d.
My concerns: 1) my math skills to convert a 2-d painting to 3-d . I can’t quite figure it out without a computer program which I don’t have. 2) The
3-d paintings I’ve seen personally don’t seem to translate to the average viewer unless seen through a lens. 3) how to make a 3-d figure, in particular?
Thanks for your great work!
Interested in:
How to find subjects.
How to preserve chalk for a short time.
How to create a chalk paint?
How to make your art last longer? How to work on a variety of surfaces? We are based in NZ – a online course would be amazing…
Keep up the beautiful work!! X
Great news always open to learning from other artist . In a small town in New Mexico .no other chalk artist in the area . My biggest challenge is working alone on large works , so any info and planning suggestions will help .
Hi Tracy, Its a great news. I would like to share a few problems I came across with.
1. Chalk/Tempera paint availability is a major problem in many countries. We would like to know quick replacements for it. If possible some tips of production too
2. Type of Binders and Binder mixing ratio for temporary and permanentpaintings.
3. Availability of 3D lens and its restrictions and types
cheers ๐
Waiting for ur sessions ๐
Dear Tracy, Its a great news. I would like to share a few problems I came across with.
1. Chalk/Tempera paint availability is a major problem in many countries. We would like to know quick replacements for it. If possible some tips of production too
2. Type of Binders and Binder mixing ratio for temporary and permanentpaintings.
3. Availability of 3D lens and its restrictions and types
cheers ๐
Waiting for ur sessions ๐
Hi Tracy;
Thank you for your email . It is really good news about the coming workshops.
Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend for two reasons. First of all I’m a mature woman and secondly and maybe the most important, I’m in Australia. However I sincerely wish you all the best in your work and life.
three challenges:
1. Finding competitions
2. the realism
3. the actual layout
lam a abstract painter, do you have to be a portrait and detail artist? love painting , thank you have a happy day
Hi Tracy,
I would be go grateful for an opportunity to truly learn how to do a 3D chalk drawing. I’ve come close, thanks to your 3D book I bought online, but
I still can’t quite get it. I would like to know How to grid the drawing out. How to color it correctly and how to size it.
Where will your class be ? I’m super super interested in attending if I can.
Thank you so much. Hugs !!!
Great opportunity Tracy! Wow! Will you actually be instructing live?! (sign me up!) At what location will the special 3 day event be offered?
Challenges to learn:
1) Highlighting! – and techniques for blending chalk colors – (how to make own chalks?)
2) Planning and transfer: 3-Dimensional mapping/perspective
3) Pre-prep: best method to plan grid design (print to paper), how to transfer lay out to asphalt (snap line grid? or chalking the outline while standing?)
Uh oh! that’s more then 2 or 3 challenges!?
Aloha Miss Stum,
I am just breaking into the mural scene here on Maui (been an artist/muralist since 1989)…only a handful of artists here can do murals on buildings, but street art? I don’t know anyone!….problem for me is covering it until the next day!…how do you prep for overnight? And is there any kind of special seat for long hours of bending?
Looking forward to your workshop (online?) and hope you can make it over this way to Maui No Ka Oi!! We’d love to have your talent here!!
Mahalo for including me in the loop too (:
p.s. Check out my blog (narvaezaloha.blogspot.com ‘The Other Side…’) to see all my latest artworks! And I’d love to post more info about your workshop when more details become available. I can also kokua you with bringing workshop here to Maui, please let me know if theres anything I can do…there really needs to be more workshops here on isle for artists, that involve other mediums and styles of art. Most art centers here simply can’t provide spaces large enough for bigger art projects or only focus on a limited amount of traditional styles; portraits, landscapes, sculpting, etc…but what about the alternative artists?? The ones who require larger spaces for foam/cardboard/resin–building size sculptures, murals, etc..we need more designated outdoor spaces.. I guess my next question is; what type of form or presentation is best for presenting your idea to government and county officials in order to gain approval? and what are the necessary steps needed in beginning the process? Ok…that’s well over 3…sorry hehe…
Thank you, for wanting to teach your talent. I watched and watched your pond video. I made many changes and. Colors to my pond. Why you might Ask. I didn’t measure, so I couldn’t find my 3d. I am still very proud of what I learned from you. I show And tell All the time. .. Count me in. Thanks again.
Thanks! ! My main concern would be howu keep people from falling into those huge holes u create!!!! Only kidding!! My main concern would be cost of workshop. Second concern would be skill level involved. Third concern would be fear of failure.
This sound like a great ideal, i’m very excited. one of the things i see a lot at shows is the using of a graph to make the scale of the pic larger. A graph is great for what it does, but i myself would like to not have to use a graph, another topic is the lighting and shading and third, more realistic pics like photo realism in street painting. I’m from
fl and they have show in Sarasota. Some of the locals complain about the producers of the show flying talent in and putting them up at a hotels for the stay of the show. This would be a great work shop to help the locals improve on their art skills.
We’re interested!!!! Never did street painting before.
I just love the artwork and think it would be fun to learn I am not much of an artist but would love to learn
I really want to know the secret of 3d and the chalk you use . Thanks
i would love to know more about this work shop where it will be and how much i have not don any street painting but i like what kurt wenner and a lot of others i am 74 yer old but get around pretty good just wondering about working on my knees although i dont think it would be a problem so let me know and ill go from there thank you JIM SLOUGH
I would love to be part of this adventure of learning I have no “formal” art education only through my thoughts to my hands So I hope this will be in an area that I am able to attend I am excited just at the thought of this Thanks for including me in the email
Thank you Susan VanHoose
I’m super excited about a workshop! I’m assuming part of it at least would be hands-on? Some areas of focus I’d like to see include:
1. Rules/tips for 3d curved figures/people as opposed to buildings or straight edged objects.
2. How to work effectively with a team to complete a large work in a timely manner without breaking your back, literally!
3. How to get such rich, lasting colors while people interact with the art.
ยกHola Tracy, quรฉ gusto saber de ti y del taller!
As I told you when I had the chance to meet you in San Rafael in 2013, I would love to be in a workshop with you. My biggest issues with this 3D stuff are how to size and re-size the image in a specific space/area in order to make it visually affordable for the public. I’ve seen works that deal with the length-width and can’t reach the appropriate effect since the point of view is restricted. Also, I would like to work with images that embrace floor and walls to create depths and perspectives, and how to deal with the transit of the public when several points of view are required.
Along this, how to project the drawings in the most “easy” ways, since having to approach to trace them may involve some distortions.
I was amazed with some tapestry you did (I don’t remember where), when you wrapped and expanded a room with the use of several verticals and geometrical elements, simple in essence but which created quite an atmosphere. That would be interesting too.
Well, I’m in Mexico but surely I’d do my best to earn the means to make it to your workshop. So, I’m since now attent to more news on this.
Blessings for this sharing from you to all of us. Best regards.
I participated in my first chalk fest in Key West this past November. Would your workshop be good for someone who has a lot to learn.
. Perspective
. Scaling from small sketch to BIG layout
. Preserving chalk
. Tip for aching muscles and bones
Where will the workshop take place?
Will there be an opportunity to get a scholarship to pay for my participation in your program? Although I don’t do art for the money, as a working artist in other mediums with limited time, lately things take a priority based on which projects pay and which ones don’t. So, coming into this new form of art, my first question is on the business side – getting paid to do chalk art on sidewalks at either festivals or what not? How do you make your living doing it? Grants? Sponsors? Event organizers to contact and is there a way to approach them for best results? Then my questions are … how to translate my current knowledge in other mediums to chalk on sidewalks … how to choose great concepts or compositions for that wow factor and then how to achieve great perspective to really pull it off. And of course if there are certain products or brands that are better than others to make the transition easier. Thank you.
Hi !
That’s great news. I am in Uk so it may be tricky. The issues are much as others have put gorward… The geometry of 3d; scaling up; working on the ground and on a vertical wall and the perspective issues; cost of materials to practise with and a legal space to try it out; no computer programme to aid designing in 3d….
SHADOWS are key. They can be hard to figure out. Also getting the correct perspective.
hi tracy how are u got your msg about the street painting program and im still interested to know how to draw 3D drawings on the street and wall
1: how long or wide the painting must be on the street
2: what type of chalk must be used
3: the ground that be painted what type must it be
Would like to learn the 3d process. I paint and draw but no exoierence in 3d.
How to create the effect on paper and larger surfaces
Supplies for street or side walk
I would love to take my art to a bigger level. I know shading, depth, etc… with charcoal, pencil and paint but want to increase that knowledge and skill.
Look forward to learning more about the work shop…
Josh. .. thumbprint art
My Issues are as follows…. 1) Perspective 2) Perspective 3) Perspective Help!!!
how can I apply these skills onto a persons body
I was sooo excited to see this!! I hope its sometime later in March or early April….some physical challenges going on the next month….Things I want to work on the most: Designing pieces……..How to transfer realistically from a photo to pavement……and of course……….THREEEEEEE DEEEEEEEEEE ๐
1. Best surface material to purchase and work on when doing an inside 3D art project.
Hello Tracy,
Thank you for reaching out. This project sounds interesting.
What I would like to get out of it, would be blending techniques, 3d application, meet new people.
Not being an artist, but so familiar with your amazing work, I’m thrilled for artists around the globe who have the opportunity to learn from you! What a gift you’ll be sharing! Thank you for making the world a lot more colorful!
hi tracy ๐ !!
first of all thank you for reaching out me …realy may bigerst broblem in this periode is the places to draw which are legal …this is make for me a lot of broblems ; also, i need the rules to draw in 3d wich is correct i use some rules but not all rules … and there is another broblem it’s where i can find the chalk …
thank you tracy :D.
Hello! I’m pretty new at 3D street painting, but I love it and I’m a big fan. It’s always hard for me to think of good subjects for my art, particularly when I’m doing advertisements. I also have a little trouble with getting affordable materials. I don’t use enough to buy big orders in bulk, but pastels are getting expensive. Lastly, I want to know how to find opportunities for 3D street painting. I’d love to paint for companies, but I don’t know how to start.. especially since my area isn’t as big on chalk art as other parts of the country. Thank you!
Iโm super excited about a workshop
Excelente tus trabajos en 3D y magnifico todo engeneral
1.- Como realizar un boceto en 3D
2.- Como hacer el boceto en el piso y en la pared
3.- Como conseguir trabajo ๐
Hello Tracy. We’ve known for a long time, until the time of Grazie of Mantua- Italy. I respect you a lot and I’m honored to be your friend. We’ll see you soon in San Rafael. I followed your book on pdf and techniques of 3D. But I still find it difficult to run it. I tried with some programs distorting, but I still can’t bring a 2D to 3D. Logically, I can’t from Italy to attend your own course, but if you do it online, I’ll follow him. A hug and see you soon.
Hi Tracey,
Great news but I guess my question is will it be online?
Most art courses of this nature involved travel and weekends, out for me.
But my no1. Would be improving my 3d perspective, no.2 design concepts in limited spaces, no.3 weather forcasting.. oh and how to keep people from thinking your nuts lol.
Cheaper as good chalk supplies or how to make your own. im a lover of the good stuff ( not so good for the hip pocket)
Anna in australia ๐
I saw you in Atlantic City, NJ last year. I have an art back round and was fascinated by all the talented artists . I would love to learn this.
My Concerns: Haven’t done chalk street art, have an interest in how to do this. Concerned that my skills may be too basic, and others will be too advanced. Location, location, location….
I had sentyou an email cause I wondered how tofind out where you would be doing your street art. so I can tell jeff marks about it and I could come see more of your work. I am not artistic. so it you getto the eas t coast again I’d love to know
Hello Madam! Your 3D street paintings are awesome. I am very much interested in painting. I am a very big fan of yours. I met you once in my drawing competition orzanised by Bharatiya Sangeet Academy. I will be very much pleased to get a chance to participate in this event. Thanks a lot.
Hi Tracy ๐ …well I am really interested to go trough “Andrea Pozzo ” workshop ..3d anamorphic on ceiling would be great!!! ( pencil, paper, brain, colors, no computer)
Regards from Croatia.
that’s wonderful-
“your vocation should be your vacation”. (Confucius) but the problem is that I have a vaguely picture of street painting. I have no idea if it works. where to present? & if it’s possible to have it as the only job or not?
we’ll be thanked to be known more about