Backyard BBQ
Happy (3D Animated) Chinese New Year! Here’s an interesting twist on an old idea – how to make my paintings come more to life? Well, the marketing team behind our latest 3d mural installation at the Bank of East Asia decided to tackle this question head on by making one of my chalk murals animated! My team…
I was so excited to see Niche Magazine using my twenty foot square 3D chalk creation which I did at this year’s Victoria International Chalk Art Festival in their magazine. It was a fun event with thousands of chalk art fans gathering together to see art titled, “Nature’s Spirit”. Here is the article: Niche Magazine
HOW DO YOU MAKE A 3D STREET PAINTING COME TO LIFE? ….by using 3D with Augmented Reality (AR) to create another layer of engagement to your street painting! Check it out for yourself by looking to the left to see how 3D with Augmented Reality (AR) wows Bangkok. My latest creation was an exercise in discipline, creativity and experience – all…
I love TED… really, I love what TED brings to the world through inspirational speakers, intelligent content and always amazing experiences. So when TEDxFoggyBottom director, Brian Doyle, invited me to participate in this years event with a 3D street painting &/or an Augmented Reality installation, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I’d presented at TEDxSanDiego a few years back…