Hong Kong Chills Up with 3D Mural

Home for the holidays but that did not stop us from whipping up a Winter Wonderland in Hong Kong at the headquarters of the Bank of East Asia. Certainly a fitting landscape for all that cold hard cash.  We transported the bank with an interactive 3D mural that has people thinking they’re standing in a…

Animal Health in 3D Street Painting

Team 3D was at it again when our artist Sharyn Namnath flew to Kansas City to execute this 3D street painting showcasing animal health. The piece was designed by Tracy for her client Thermo Fisher Scientific /  Life Technologies, who is now one of the leading suppliers of modern diagnostic tools to veterinary laboratories around the…


I love TED…..no really, I love what TED brings to the world through inspirational speakers, intelligent content and always amazing experiences. So when TEDxFoggyBottom director, Brian Doyle, invited me to participate in this years event with a 3D street painting &/or an Augmented Reality installation, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I’d presented at TEDxSanDiego a few years back…